Roverman Productions


Here are ten things you should never do if you are in a love relationship. Here they are:

1. You should never use your phone when you are on a date with your beloved.

It has almost become second nature for people to be on their phones no matter what they are doing and no matter what is happening around them. It is common to find people driving and talking on their phones or checking their phones.

People pay good money to come and watch my productions at the National Theatre and you will find some of them constantly checking their phones or sending or replying messages. I guess it is the sign of the times but when it comes to relationships, nothing says you don’t have my attention more than you checking your phone on a date or on an outing with your partner or loved one.

So, when…

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Roverman Productions


Dear Solace,

I will never forget the way you looked on your wedding day. You looked radiant and lovely and almost perfect. And that smile you had on your face spoke volumes of your love for John, whose ring you were going to wear, and of your hope of a better and happier future. I will cherish that image of you in your wedding gown for the rest of my life and I pray that the reality of marriage will exceed your wildest imagination and expectations.

You asked me for insights that may help you make a success of your marriage. Well, John, your husband has also asked me for the same thing. I sent him his letter last week and I have asked him to share it with you and you are also to share yours with him.

Solace, I know you know that you married a man but…

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